Monday, April 30, 2007

The List

So- here it is. I obviously have a quite a few items to add to the list... I will not be starting this Mission for another week. Why May 9? That is the last day of the semester for me- I think that summer will give me a little more time to work on some of these things. So- this list is just resting here for now. The action does not start until May 9.

I will be posting every time I complete a goal- or take a step toward one. I plan to blog at least once a week.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start Date: May 9, 2007
End Date: Feb 3, 2010

1. Get my very own apartment.
2. Have over $1001 in savings
3. Schedule my time in as much detail as possible and follow it for at least one month (I'll explain more when I get to it...)
4. Keep every receipt for at least 6 months so I can visualize what I am spending.
5. Get a job! Any job. Just one that gets me paid, son!

6. Go on a "real" road trip (for multiple nights and out of state)
7. visit at least one new country
8. visit New York City "for real"

9. go the rec at least 3 times a week while at school (while at home, run on the treadmill)
10. Get weight below 150lbs
11. Buy a bathing suit. And wear it. And feel comfortable wearing it.
12. Get eight hours of sleep every night for a month
13. wake up before 11am in the summer and on weekends
14. floss and use mouthwash
15. go to the gynecologist
16. get contact lenses
17. grow my hair back out- to boob length
18. dye my hair a color other than brown or red.
19. Learn how to wear makeup. (I am so not a "girl")
20. wear a pair of shoes with heels in public.
21. post to wardrobe_remix at least once a week
22. wear more jewelry (and document i wardrobe remix)
23. get something pierced or tattooed (even ears count- I'm a chicken)

24. learn a few phrases in Thai
25. read 50 new books (and review them in my blog) (18/50)
26. graduate from college
27. obtain a membership for the Carnegie Museums
28. learn to play an instrument
29. get on the dean's list
30. learn how to use Photoshop
31. purchase at least 20 more books (4/20)
32. go to the Warhol Museum by myself
33. while at school- spend at least 5 hours a week in the school library
34. Spend at least 4 hours a month at the Citizens Library
35. Go back to counseling.

36. Complete at least 10 Learning to Love You More assignments (0/10)
37. sell piece of clothing that I have made
38. upload at least 3 videos to YouTube (0/3)
39. actually finish knitting a sweater
40. Learn to crochet
41. sell a piece of art
42. do a sidewalk drawing at night
43. make an item of clothing for myself that I actually wear
44. audition for one play that is not the Vagina Monologues
45. direct the Vagina Monologues
46. participate in a gallery show
47. paint and rearrange my bedroom at my parent's house
48. see at least three plays (that are not university productions) (0/3)
49. draw or paint a portrait of someone I know
50. make a zine and make at least enough copies to give out to friends
51. buy at least one thing from
52. send a postcard to PostSecret
53. take an awesome self portrait (I mean, it has to be really freakin' cool)
54. make a t-shirt design to print myself- sell at least 10
55. open my own Etsy
56. finish a portrait (or other big work) in embroidery
57. start a knitting club (on campus or otherwise)
58. learn intarsia or fair isle and incorporate it into a finished project.
59. make an illusion scarf
60. make at least 20 Artist's Trading Cards, and trade them

61. Learn to cook at least 5 different meals that aren't from a box (0/5)
62. be a vegetarian for at least month
63. keep a log of everything I eat for at least two weeks
64. Bake a Cake. A pretty one.
65. go on a fresh fruit/veggie detox for at least a week
66. eat some kind of breakfast every morning
67. learn how to properly cut a mango
68. cook dinner once a week while at school

69. Make at least 5 IRL friends (0/5)
70. get drunk (I am not 21 right now- but I will be by the time I finish this list)
71. throw a party
72. go to the movies with my mom
73. visit my dad at least 3 times
74. e-mail Dr. Deb once a month after I leave
75. make 5 mix cds for friends (0/5)
76. form a secret society
77. mail out at least 3 RAKs to Glitterati (0/3)
78. Glitter meetup (preferably Glittercon- but I don't know how possible that is.)
79. host a Glitter swap

80. go for one month without using my car
81. participate in another protest
82. meet one of my feminist heroes
83. spend at least 10 weekends without going online at all (0/10)
84. Register to vote
85. Vote
86. Ride the entire trail in Peters on my bicycle
87. Clean my room/apartment once a week.

88. go to at least 5 concerts (0/5)
89. participate in a zombie walk
90. subscribe to Netflix
91. get my picture taken with someone famous
92. go to at least one bout of the Steel City Derby Demons
93. get three books signed by the author
94. explore the woods behind my parents house (like I did when I was little)
95. go to the playground 10 times (1/10)
96. Purchase at least 10 CDs. I burn too many (2/10)
97. see Rocky Horror in a venue that is not affiliated with the university

98. blog at least once a week- to document my progress on my mission
99. talk one other person into doing Mission 101
100. For every goal I do not reach after 1001 days I will...
101. Write a new list on day 1001

1 comment:

Mike said...

Good luck kid.

I don't know how much longer I'll be using this account..but oh well.